Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Social Media for Real Estate Agents

The use of social media has become a daily
practice for many people. Websites like Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Twitter have helped us to connect with friends, family and customers.  Working as an instructor for Florida Luxury Realty, Inc. and the West paso Board of Realtors, I have the opportunity to meet many agents who attend my classes and Social Media is one topic that comes up often.

Here are some tips on how to use Social Media as a real estate agent:

Think before you post - is it positive, is it
 useful, is it informative?

Be Social - posting things that are only about your business is ok but remember to like and share posts by others and avoid being all "me, me, me, me"

Like & Follow - connect with local
businesses in your area as well as community organizations and share useful information that they post. Your the neighborhood expert and you will benefit from sharing their posts.

Keep Your Dirty Laundry in the Hamper - separate your "personal" and business personalities. This may mean you have separate accounts on the social media sites. I recommend that if you do this use an email address that is different from your business email.

The biggest thing to remember about social
media for business as a real estate agent is that social media is a support system to your daily lead generation. Social media will help support your online presence but it is no replacement for daily lead generation activities. Social media is a wonderful way to promote your blog and gain stronger SEO when done correctly. 

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